Tax return deadline 31 January 2022
The deadline for filing your tax return online is by 31 January 2022 (or 3 months after the date on your notice to complete a tax return if that’s later.)
What you will need:
'End of Year Certificate'
'Expenses or benefits’ or P45
Details of employee leaving work
payslips or your P2
PAYE Coding Notice
If you work for yourself:
your profit or loss account or your business records
your bank statements
building society passbooks
dividend counterfoils or investment brokers’ schedules
personal pension contributions certificates
Running a business can be challenging and time consuming. At Styles & Associates Accountancy our team can provide you with a fixed fee quote for filing your tax return to help you claim your tax refund or budget for your tax bill. We provide a free consultation in person or over the telephone to discuss your requirements. Get in touch on 01420 541 554